kelsey baker

This course is designed to teach the
basics of drawing in a variety of media, so that students can begin to translate the 3D world
onto a 2D surface. Students will learn about perspective, sighting, value, mark-making, and other technical skills while developing evaluative strategies. Critiques, collaborative activities and written assignments will deepen students' understanding of contemporary drawing and the global history of drawing as a form of media and communication.

This course is focused on foundational oil painting skills, covering paint application, building value, lighting, and color interaction. Assignments are designed to teach the fundamentals of painting from direct observation, enabling students to translate the 3D world onto the 2D surface of a canvas, while also providing a brief overview of the tradition of painting.

Intermediate Painting is an exploration of pluralist approaches to painting. Students will consider painting not only as a physical medium but as a specific approach to art-making, while reading and responding to critical texts. Drawing upon foundational skills learned in Beginning Painting, students will respond to conceptual assignments drawn from contemporary themes in painting today.

This course builds upon skills learned in Beginning and Intermediate Painting, but expands the parameters to allow for deeper and more personal investigation of concepts and techniques. Students will work independently on the creation of their own body of work, researching contemporary approaches to painting and responding to critical texts.